Player Registration Payments

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Please enter all fields, and note that any field marked with a red asterix (*) is mandatory.

The payment process may take a few minutes. On slower internet connections you may receive a request to wait or cancel the page – please select WAIT until the process completes successfully.  If you have difficulties or questions please use the Contact Form and we will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you for registering with the Playford Patriots!

Player Registration Payments

PLEASE NOTE - This Form is for Selected Players ONLY - not Trials.

ALSO NOTE - You will require your Credit Card at hand to complete your Registration.

Each Player Sibling registered attracts a 10% Discount. Enter the Names of each Sibling below please.
Note that this discount will have to be reviewed by the committee and if deemed invalid your payment amount will be revised and you will be responsible for the additional amount.
Leave the fields empty if you have no Siblings to this Player.

Price: $990.00
Price: $350.00
Price: $350.00
Price: $250.00
Price: $315.00
Price: $215.00
Price: $280.00
Price: $180.00
Price: $245.00
Price: $145.00
Price: $880.00
Price: $780.00
Price: $792.00
Price: $692.00
Price: $704.00
Price: $604.00
Price: $616.00
Price: $516.00

Please Select a Payment Plan or Method